HomeRugbyNRLNew Zealand Kiwis, Toa Samoa reveal squads for Auckland clash as Joseph...

New Zealand Kiwis, Toa Samoa reveal squads for Auckland clash as Joseph Manu moved from fullback

New Zealand has rejigged its backline for its Pacific Championships opener against Samoa on Saturday, switching around Joseph Manu and Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad.

Manu was New Zealand’s go-to fullback for last year’s Rugby League World Cup and Nicoll-Klokstad played primarily in the centres, but coach Michael Maguire has made a switch for Saturday’s clash at Eden Park in Auckland.

Manu has been moved from fullback despite running for a world-record 401 metres in New Zealand’s mid-season Test against Tonga last year, which the Kiwis won 26-6.

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The Roosters gun was also dominant in last year’s World Cup, topping the tournament in tackle breaks and runs, racking up the second-highest number of run metres and chalking up the third-highest number of post-contact metres as the Kiwis reached the…

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