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Who’s in, who’s out, who’s new

Liam Henry, Chris Burgess and Jack Ginnivan. Pictures: St Kilda FC, Adelaide FC, Hawthorn FC

WITH the Continental Tyres AFL Trade Period done and dusted, there will be fresh faces running around for most teams in 2024.

So who gets the nod? Who’s on the bench? Who misses out?

Here’s how we see your club’s best line-up for next season, assuming everyone is available. 

*players in italics are new to the club

How the Crows filter more speed through the midfield will be interesting in 2024, and their strong draft hand means they could push higher up the order and add a young star to their best team for round one. For now, however, important forward Josh Rachele shapes as their best option to rotate more heavily. Recruit Chris Burgess will play…

Read the Full News at www.afl.com.au
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Neuro Adminhttps://sportyjones.com/
I'm Adam Smith, your go-to sports aficionado from the land down under. My heart beats for cricket, rugby, and Aussie Rules footy. With over a decade in sports writing, I bring you the inside scoop on all things sports at SportyJones.com. Let's dive into the action!
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