HomeRugbyNRLMelbourne Storm Female Development program: how to apply as club lays foundations...

Melbourne Storm Female Development program: how to apply as club lays foundations for NRLW team

Melbourne Storm has laid the foundations for a future NRLW side by establishing a new pathway for female players in Victoria.

The club is seeking athletes born in 2008 or 2009 from any code – including netball, Aussie rules, soccer, rugby union and, of course, league – to try out for the inaugural Storm Female Development program.

“(Working towards an NRLW team) is our aim,” Storm’s female pathway program manager Pauline Poloai said.

“A lot goes into creating an NRLW team. We’ll be working with our commercial partners, the NRL and the state government to evolve this program into this.

“Recently, we’ve had such an increase in grassroots participation with NRL Victoria. And the Matildas effect and (record crowds at) the last two Women’s State of Origin games speak volumes as to why we should back female sport.”

She urged any girls “willing to give rugby league a go” to try out at upcoming combines at Werribee’s VU Sporting Complex on June 16 and Casey Warriors…

Read the Full News at www.heraldsun.com.au
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