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KFC SuperCoach Plus article round 24: Sneaky POD moves to win you a head-to-head premiership

Tom Sangster reveals the stats that matter heading into Round 24 of KFC SuperCoach.

From unique PODs, to left-field captaincy choices, to unrivalled consistency – it’s all here.

Read on for full analysis.

Buy Dane Gagai as a crazy POD?

Well actually, it’s not that crazy. Gagai has the third best average of any CTW taking the field this week (71.6) yet is owned by just 3.6 per cent. And that number won’t change too much given only 189 SuperCoaches have purchased Gagai this week so far.

With Kalyn Ponga leading the charge at the Knights, the former Origin star also has one of the best runs home of any side against the Bulldogs, Rabbitohs, Sharks and Dragons. With Valentine Holmes and Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad both unavailable, Gagai is a serious replacement option.

Dane Gagai is a great POD option this week. Picture: Getty

And now for an even crazier POD …

Jayden Campbell is a SuperCoach force to be reckoned with when playing fullback,…

Read more at www.theaustralian.com.au

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Neuro Adminhttps://sportyjones.com/
I'm Adam Smith, your go-to sports aficionado from the land down under. My heart beats for cricket, rugby, and Aussie Rules footy. With over a decade in sports writing, I bring you the inside scoop on all things sports at SportyJones.com. Let's dive into the action!
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