HomeGolfThe best in the world travel to Washington for the third Major...

The best in the world travel to Washington for the third Major of the year

Everything you need to know about the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship as they head to Sahalee Country Club in Washington for the third major of the season

The third Major of the year is nearly upon us as the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship heads back to Sahalee Country Club in Washington after an eight-year hiatus from the venue.

The first two Major Championships of 2024 were won by players who had already claimed one of the five biggest events on the calendar. Will this trend be broken this week? Or will another proven winner claim one of the biggest prizes in the sport?

The tournament was first held in 1955, going through several different names across the following 60 years before settling on its current name – KMPG Women’s PGA Championship in 2015.

The competition has enjoyed somewhat of a revival…

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