HomeGolfGetting to majors tough for LIV Golf players, making Olympics even harder

Getting to majors tough for LIV Golf players, making Olympics even harder

Eighteen players from LIV Golf competed in the Masters, a number that already has been cut in half for next year. Only past Masters champions and recent major champions are currently eligible. Everyone else is well out of the top 50 in the world.

It figures to be like that at the other majors, too. When the Official World Golf Ranking committee rejected LIV’s application, it made it tough for them to get into the majors.

Overlooked in the reaction to the OWGR’s decision was another major event. It’s going to be even tougher for LIV players to get into the Olympics next year in Paris.

The Olympic Golf Ranking for the 2024 Games began June 13, 2022, two days after LIV Golf finished its inaugural event outside London.

LIV players can argue with anyone willing to listen the world rankings no longer have credibility without them. They can plead with the four majors to create a…

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