HomeCricketT20 World Cup: England coach Matthew Mott hopes Josh Hazlewood comments were...

T20 World Cup: England coach Matthew Mott hopes Josh Hazlewood comments were a joke

Image source, Getty Images

Image caption, Matthew Mott led England to the T20 World Cup title in 2022

  • Author, Matthew Henry
  • Role, BBC Sport Journalist in Antigua

England coach Matthew Mott said he hopes Josh Hazlewood’s comments about potentially manipulating net run-rate in their match against Scotland to help knock England out of the T20 World Cup were “tongue in cheek”.

England, who play Oman in Antigua on Thursday, need to win both of their remaining games by big margins to finish level on points with Scotland and have a hope of overhauling their net run-rate.

Scotland meet Australia on Saturday, after England’s final match, and Hazlewood discussed the possibility of his side playing in a way to aid the Scots’ net run-rate as it would be in their “best interests” for England to go out.

“Having grown up in Australia and the will to win…

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