HomeFootballScenes at Federation Square, live sites for Australia vs England semi-final, Matildas,...

Scenes at Federation Square, live sites for Australia vs England semi-final, Matildas, video, flares, news

Enormous crowds packed out live sites across Australia for the Matildas’ World Cup semi-final against England, but there were some unfortunate elements to the scenes.

Melbourne’s Federation Square was declared full an hour before the match kicked off but that did not stop fans from trying to make their way into the CBD meeting place.

While scenes were overwhelmingly peaceful as Australia united behind the team, flares were as expected lit and the crowds began to grow to a concerning level.

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Reporters on the scene said families had been forced to leave the venue after crowds burst through the barricades meant to keep the area at a safe capacity.

“Police and security outnumbered at Federation Square. Multiple…

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